Updates Regarding Coronavirus

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update for Ace Rental Cars Customers

Ace Rental Cars is committed to providing our customers with the highest level of service and wish to assure you that we are monitoring and responding to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation in Australia and New Zealand, and around the world.

Given the fast-evolving COVID-19 situation in Australia and New Zealand, we want to update you on the additional steps we are taking to keep our vehicles clean so you can be confident about your decision to choose Ace Rental Cars.

Ace Rental Cars has access to the most up-to-date and authoritative information on responding to COVID-19 and minimising the risk of infection to our employees and customers.

We are committed to high standards of safety and cleanliness. In addition to practicing preventative measures to reduce the spread of germs within our facilities, all our vehicles go through a rigorous, multi-step cleaning process for each rental. We are remaining vigilant in upholding these practices and are taking additional precautions as recommended by the United States Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organisation and the Australian and New Zealand Government to minimise the risk to our customers and employees.

We have detailed procedures in place to protect and care for our staff and to identify, isolate and clean any vehicle suspected of exposure to Covid-19.

These procedures apply worldwide, and you can be confident in the cleanliness and safety of a Ace Rental Cars vehicle wherever you rent it.

Similarly, we ask our customers to please heed and follow official advice on personal hygiene, measures to protect yourself, and what to do if you are concerned about exposure to the virus. Australian Government guidelines on these measures, and the latest updates on the virus, are available here

For Australia, please see here: https://www.health.gov.au/

For New Zealand, please see here: https://covid19.govt.nz/

Ace Rental Cars remains confident in the cleanliness of our vehicles and believe they provide a safe travel option in the current circumstances. We will continue to monitor the developing status of COVID-19 and will take all additional steps necessary to protect our customers and our employees.

We appreciate your continuing support and are happy to respond to any concerns or questions you have. Our customer care team remains open to answer your questions and they can be contacted via email. support@acerentals.co.nz

Existing Bookings

During this time, we recognize flexibility is more important than ever. Should your plans unexpectedly change, please email support@acerentals.co.nz and we can work though adjusting your existing reservations.

Prepaid bookings via acerentalcars.com.au or acerentalcars.co.nz

Customers who cancel their booking will be refunded their deposit and no cancellation fee will apply until Feb 28th, 2022. Alternatively, they can re-book for different dates with no additional fee’s.


Are Ace Rental Cars offering any concessions or waiving any fees for customers whose travel plans have changed due to concerns over the coronavirus?

During this time, we recognize that travellers may prefer renting a car because of the high degree of convenience and flexibility it offers.

What happens if you need to close a building or rental location?

We have robust business contingency plans in place to protect our business, customers and colleagues in the event of a location closure, including working from home or redistributing work to other locations. We will contact customers with information if any of these possibilities affect their rental.

Are you cleaning your cars any differently? Have any of our operational protocols changed?

We have a high standard for cleanliness and safety and are committed to upholding those standards with our rigorous, multi-step vehicle-cleaning process. Enhanced cleaning protocols have been put in place as a result of COVID-19. These protocols apply to our cars, customer areas and buses, and are based on current local health and government guidelines.

Additionally, we are advising our employees to take simple hygiene steps to help prevent the spread of the virus, including regular hand washing and the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer, which we are providing at our locations

We are also recommending that employees avoid handshakes or making any other welcoming gestures that require personal touch, and like always, they should not come to work if they feel unwell. They should stay at home and contact their local health provider. This is also the advice if they have recently been to a high-risk area or have been in contact with someone who has.

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